Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) – Assessment (Live Site) Courses
Traffic Controller (TC1) - Assessment (1 Day)
- Learners must provide evidence of 20 hours work placement within completed logbook
- Learners MUST bring completed logbook and White card on assessment day.
- Arrival must be 15 minutes prior to the course start time. Late arrivals will not be permitted.
- Learners MUST be 18 years of age and bring photo ID with signature, address, date of birth.
- Failure to provide IDENTIFICATION will result in exclusion from the course.
- Learners MUST wear fully enclosed safety footwear and suitable work attire. (Hi Vis long sleeve shirt, long pants, broad brimmed hat, eye protection and gloves).Failure to arrive in the correct PPE, will result in exclusion from the assessment
Combined TC1 and TMI1 - Assess (1 Day)
This is a Final Assessment course for TC1 and TMI1 combo course, Learners will be assessed on their traffic control skills and implementation of 3 different traffic management set ups.
TMI1 - Assess (1 Day)
This is a Final Assessment course for TMI1 course, Learners will be assessed on their traffic control skills and implementation of 3 different traffic management set ups.
Combined TC2 and TMI2 - Assess (1 Day)
This is a Final Assessment course for TC2 and TMI2 course. Leaners are required to successfully complete the Assessment Course on a live temporary traffic management site arranged by ATC.
TMI2 - Assess (1 Day)
This is a Final Assessment course for TMI2 course. Leaners are required to successfully complete the Assessment Course on a live temporary traffic management site arranged by ATC.